Author Archives: alibuczek

Full Table…Full Heart

Not to sound repetitive but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and the more at the feast, the merrier. There are some family members and friends who can’t make it this year and will be terribly missed. The celebration will be smaller with little ones gathering as well so I will be downsizing the meal (don’t […]

Goblins and Goodies…

Halloween originated about 2000 years ago with the Celtic Festival of Samhain, celebrated on the eve of the Celts New Year. It was a superstition associated with the end of harvest and the beginning of the cold, dark winter when ghosts of the dead were believed to return to earth. Huge bonfires were built, crops […]

Are You Ready for Some Football?!

Roll up those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer ‘cause fall is descending upon us. It’s time for football and tailgating. Celebrate the passing of the season and the beginning of my favorite season with a travelling al fresco party. Make it a seasonal blowout that anyone can crash in the parking lot while using […]

Time Sure Flies…

Today marks the fifth anniversary of my blog, Ali’s Epicurean Gems.  I have attempted to post monthly over the years but we all know how the best laid plans can change when you least expect it. As I look back at how ‘simple’ my first post “Summer’s Finest Fruit” was, I realize how far that […]

The Common Fig ~ An Ancient Fruit

The fluctuation in the temperatures this past winter and spring wreaked havoc on my perennial beds. However, for the first year since I have moved to the shore, my ‘Kadota’ fig tree is producing prolifically. Never have I harvested so many figs ~ the deer and birds usually beat me to the punch. The common […]

Pesto, Pesto…

One of my favorite lines in a movie is from ‘When Harry Met Sally’; Carrie Fisher’s character Marie unknowingly quotes from Jess’ (Bruno Kirby) book by casually saying in a dinner conversation that “Pesto is the quiche of the 80’s”. Marie and Jess instantly form a bond ~ it is adorable and goes to show how something […]

A Nearly Infallible Root

Sadly, I just harvested the last of my spring radishes. Radishes have a fancy name, Raphanus sativus, but should be on every beginning gardener’s list of easy-to-grow vegetables. They are a cool season vegetable for  spring as well as fall that are frost resistant. As soon as the soil can be worked in the spring, […]

Add a Little Color to Your Plate…

My husband Bob and I love ethnic food. He is always trying to encourage me to direct my creative energy into cooking different types of cuisine. I have a rather large collection of cookbooks; but have limited access to authentic ingredients locally. However, with the advent of the internet, resources for unique and exotic ingredients […]

Let’s Kick March to the Curb…

Old Man Winter threw those of us who live in the Northeast a wicked curve ball. March came roaring in like a lion and did not let up until the end of the month. Thankfully, the only edible in the garden right now is garlic which lives through three seasons prior to harvest. The leaves […]

So Long Winter…

Whenever we want to escape the cold, of course we think of warmer climes. The Caribbean used to be our first choice until traveling became such a hassle. Now we enjoy different destinations in Florida where some of the best fish can be found in the world. Gulf shrimp there is fresh, not frozen and […]